
| August 9, 2024 | 0 Comments

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麦当劳最新推出的收藏家餐点包含六款可收藏的杯子,将一些粉丝最爱的收藏品重新带回餐单,推出了一款全天供应的餐点,这款餐点附带的纪念杯重新演绎了怀旧的快乐儿童餐玩具,从可口可乐北极熊到 Hello Kitty ,应有尽有,快来看看它们的样子!!

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s



McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s

每份餐点将于8月13日开始供应,并附有一个以六款过去经典收藏品为灵感设计的收藏杯:芭比和风火轮(Hot Wheels) 、Beanie Babies、可口可乐、Hello Kitty 和 Peanuts、史瑞克、侏罗纪公园和小黄人,最后是麦当劳,展示了1988年的牛仔鸡块伙伴和1993年的麦当劳飞车等经典角色。

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s

McDonald’s is launching the Collector’s Meal which features six collectible cups. McDonald’s


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