加州紫色層級縣實施限制性宵禁居家令!10 pm 至次日 5 am 禁止非必要外出 (11/21-12/21)
🔵 目前加州其他縣層級狀況
- 紅色: Del Norte, Humboldt, Modoc, Plumas, Lake, Colusa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Amador, Mono
- 橙色: Lassen, Sierra, Calaveras, Inyo
- 黃色: Alpine, Mariposa
🔵 加州疫情進展
州長州長 Gavin Newsom 表示“病毒以前所未見的速度傳播,未來幾天和幾週將是遏制疫情激增的關鍵。大家要敲響警鐘…在死亡人數激增之前,我們必須採取行動以減少病毒傳播和減緩住院治療情況。我們之前已經做到了,這次我們必須再次成功。”(The virus is spreading at a pace we haven’t seen since the start of this pandemic and the next several days and weeks will be critical to stop the surge. We are sounding the alarm… It is crucial that we act to decrease transmission and slow hospitalizations before the death count surges. We’ve done it before and we must do it again.)
資訊來源:abc7 新聞爆料:Lily 編譯:劉二小
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