意外来的太突然😨Delta 飞机轮胎爆炸造成人员死亡受伤!!

| August 28, 2024 | 0 Comments
Delta plane tire explodes at Atlanta airport, leaving two dead and one seriously injured – youtube Video

哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊亚特兰大国际机场(Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Internationa Airport)是全球最繁忙的机场!!


据当地媒体 WSBTV 报导,这起轮胎爆炸导致一名达美航空员工和一名承包商丧生,另有一名达美航空员工受伤。事故发生在本周二早晨,地点为与机场相连的亚特兰大技术运营维修设施。

亚特兰大总部的达美航空公司在声明中表示:「达美航空大家庭对于两名成员的逝世和另一名成员的受伤深感痛心,这起事故发生在今天早晨的亚特兰大技术运营维修设施(TOC 3)。我们已向家属和同事们提供了全力支持,在这个极为困难的时刻陪伴他们。」

Emergency vehicles seen parked near a Delta plane at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. A tire on a Delta plane exploded, killing two Delta employees and injuring a third (WSB-TV 2)


Delta airplanes sit at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. A tire exploded on a Delta airplane in a maintenance area of the airport, killing two airline employees and injuring a third (Getty Images)

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