美国麻州小镇通过新法 无论男女皆可在海滩上空
"Right now female breasts are sexualized so this will help to hopefully de-sexualize,” said Nantucket resident Dorothy Stover, who originally proposed the bylaw. “It is historic and Nantucket has always been at the forefront of history and equality.” https://t.co/FiiIKpjQLd
— NECN (@NECN) December 8, 2022
这条法律修正案由南特基镇的女性居民史托佛(Dorothy Stover)提出,她向WBZ-AM电台表示:「这真的是在纠正错误,追赶上对男性来说已经合法的事情,允许所有人在这个空间可以裸上半身。」
这项法律修正案获得批准,也受到麻州众议员费南德斯(Dylan Fernandes)赞许。他说:「南特基海滩已获正式批准,允许男性和女性上空,这是性别平等的一大胜利。」
We just spoke with Dorothy Stover, who spearheaded the bylaw at the 2022 Nantucket Town Meeting.
“My initial reaction is relief. We can now move forward and I know so many people are excited and have been waiting for this. It’s such a relief and I'm so excited to share.” pic.twitter.com/ZHX109ygzw
— Nantucket Current (@ACKCurrent) December 6, 2022
本新闻授权来自中央通讯社 cna.com.tw
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