潮Fashion: Freedom & Fashion Show Recap

| November 20, 2010 | 0 Comments


“Finding the ugliness within the beauty of the world”, said Jonathan Huang, creative director at Freedom and Fashion.

On Saturday November 6th, at 6pm in Irvine, California, Freedom and Fashion presented their second annual fair-trade runway show with a vision and a purpose: to showcase clothing made by labor and sex trafficked survivors, non-profits ending slavery, and fair trade companies. All fashion products and art pieces displayed at the event was selected not only for their sparkling side of beauty but also for their meaningful function to do goodness for the humanity.


Freedom & Fashion is a non-profit organization that fights human trafficking and exploitative sex industry. Ms. Kim, the founder of Freedom & Fashion realized that fighting injustice was not as easy as she thought because it requires a lot of materials, human, consistent marketing and financial support. Therefore, she decides to use her passion for art and fashion for greater purpose, which created Freedom Fashion to help all other groups who also fight for same mission in the front line, such as Not For Sale and Falling Whistles, Polaris Project and so on.



When we think about fashion, most of us see it as the representation of the beauty and the social status. We care about the latest trends, we talk about the famous brands, and we praise the designers’ great work. However, the buried side of the fashion industry is the abused of factory workers, enslaved children and sex trafficking. Behind the glamorous spotlights, fashion industry also represents many unfair labor practices around the world.

F&F Performance

Freedom and Fashion Performance

According to the statistic, there are 2.5 million people in forced labor and exploitation at any given time around the world. A new slave is imported into U.S. in every 30 minute, and the slaves can be bought for an average of $90. Furthermore, sex trafficking is the number 2 top crime industry in the world, making $58 billion each year. While we are enjoying our freedom of beauty, rights, and life, we barely notice that there are millions out there who don’t even have the freedom to utilize and express their basic human rights.


Johnathan Huang, creative director at Freedom and Fashion


The event that night was held amazing successfully. My partners and I were very impressed knowing that none of the volunteers who put the show together was paid for their labor and time. All of them worked for the love of humanity from the beginning to the end. When humans were betrayed by other humans, can you image how heart-broken it is, and it happens everywhere all over the world.  We, as consumers, should start considering how to use our spending power wisely to help gaining voices for those who are unable to do it for themselves.


Article: Motomi

Picture Editing: Jason / 007




Category: Fashion时尚, 潮Man, 潮Women, 用Accessories, 穿Apparel

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