Yogurtland 秋季新口味, Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Swirl 南瓜派芝士蛋糕旋冰淇淋和線上專享 Dirt Cup 髒髒杯

Image via Yogurtland
Yogurtland 日前推出秋季新口味 Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Swirl 南瓜派芝士蛋糕旋冰淇淋以及線上專享 Dirt Cup 髒髒杯。
The middle handle is bringing you the perfect flavor combo: Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Swirl! #ProTip: Top with our seasonal Maple Cream Cookie and scoop up the froyo!
Now at #Yogurtland for a limited-time only while supplies last at participating locations. #fallflavors pic.twitter.com/dYweaN0bU5
— Yogurtland (@Yogurtland) September 13, 2022
Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Swirl 用粉絲最喜歡的南瓜派和芝士蛋糕口味特製而成,兩種不同口味混搭在一起,一口下去可以體驗到甜美和香濃的雙重風味。參考價格每杯$5.99,大杯$7.99。

Image via Yogurtland
此外,Yogurtland 還推出線上下單專享 Dirt Cup 髒髒杯。Dirt Cup 裡有荷蘭巧克力酸奶冰淇淋、餅乾和奶油碎屑以及酸軟糖,看上去“髒髒”但吃起來十分美味可口。參考價格每杯$6.99。
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