全美 Apple Store 因 George Floyd 抗議活動關門

@ lexxie_c / Twitter
5月25日,明尼阿波利斯46歲黑裔 George Floyd 疑因警方執法過當死亡,全美各地的抗議示威事件持續了一周,並接連引發了騷亂、搶劫和多起打砸搶燒事件。
許多城市爲應對這些突發事件而進行了宵禁政策。而大衆消費電子的領軍品牌——Apple 也首當其衝受到洗劫。上周末,社交媒體上流傳着從 Philadelphia 到 Washington D.C. 等全美各大城市 Apple Store 遭劫犯闖入和破壞的照片和視頻。
Bruh Philly cleared out the Apple Store!!! #Philadelphia #philadelphiaprotest #blacklivesmatter pic.twitter.com/vgEGtOwaOC
— lex (@lexxie_c) May 30, 2020
#Apple stores in cities including Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and Phoenix were looted, says reports on social media. Apple has decided to temporarily close a number of its just-reopened Apple Store locations across #US. #BlackLivesMatter #GeorgeFlyod pic.twitter.com/A6W44wZ6u3
— China Daily (@ChinaDaily) June 1, 2020
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