美德州貨櫃車發現46具移民遺體 疑因近40度高溫悶熱致死
Video via YouTube @CBS 8 San Diego
根據 CNN、路透社及聖安東尼奧新聞快報( mysanantonio )報導,聖安東尼奧消防局長胡德( Charles Hood )指出,共發現46具屍體,另有16人因熱傷害被送往地區醫院。
San Antonio Fire Department Chief Charles Hood said the bodies were hot to the touch. https://t.co/eUJ4GErAUd
— KSAT 12 (@ksatnews) June 28, 2022
一名知悉內情的執法官員表示,在德州聖安東尼奧( San Antonio )一輛重型聯結貨櫃卡車內發現至少40具遺體。
德州地方電視台 KSAT 援引不具名的聖安東尼奧警方消息來源報導,有42人陳屍在這輛卡車內。
KSAT 報導,這輛卡車是在聖安東尼奧南郊一處偏遠地區的鐵軌旁被發現。

Image via Twitter @RommieLarousse
KSAT 記者在推特( Twitter )發布的照片顯示,一輛大卡車周圍有警車和救護車。
46 people are dead in Southwest San Antonio after being found in an 18-wheeler’s trailer on Quintana Rd, SAFD Chief Charles Hood says.
16 people were transported to hospitals with health related illnesses. 12 adults 4 pediatrics. @TPRNews @NPR pic.twitter.com/EnR6CiqpSl
— Joey Palacios (@Joeycules) June 28, 2022
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