2005年來最強風暴肆虐加州16死 豪雨降雪又將侵襲

美國加州近日遭暴雨侵襲,至少16人死亡,蒙特斯托鎮道路被洪水摧毀。Image Via Twitter
國家氣象局(National Weather Service)表示11日有新風暴來襲,加州北部將再降下180毫米雨量,內華達山脈(Sierra Nevada)降雪量將增加數英尺。
英國哈利王子(Prince Harry)與妻子梅根(Meghan Markle)居住的蒙特斯托鎮(Montecito)遭大雨侵襲 ,數週來已因豪雨浸透的山丘可能發生危險的土石流,當局已下令疏散。
Here’s a look at some storm impacts across Montecito:
1. Road washout of E Mtn Dr just south of Cold Springs Trailhead. This will be a long term repair project
2. Rocks & mud across Romero at E. Valley Rd.
3. Buena Vista Creek Crossing
4. Slide across Mtn Dr above debris basin pic.twitter.com/VwleNTLjwN— Montecito Fire (@montecitofire) January 10, 2023
居民德穆耶(Daniel DeMuyer)告訴法新社:「因為山就在那裡,真的下大雨時,降雨的速度非常快…很快就會非常危險。」
“At this point we are switching to cumulative impacts so it’s not that any individual storm is the big, scary one. It’s what are the cumulative impacts, because it’s really rare for us to get into #storms 7, 8, & 9 as part of a storm series.”-State Climatologist Mike Anderson pic.twitter.com/eeknzHgFJ8
— CA – DWR (@CA_DWR) January 11, 2023
Highway 101 has turned into a moving river this afternoon. Do not drive into these flood waters, putting yourself and everyone around you at risk. #TurnAroundDontDrown #CAwx #CAflood pic.twitter.com/Vtn5EkcskG
— NWS Bay Area 🌉 (@NWSBayArea) January 9, 2023
本新聞授權來自中央通訊社 cna.com.tw
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