Panera 家三明治 Toasted Frontega Chicken Sandwich 回歸

Image via Panera
為了響應粉絲們的強烈要求,Panera 終於把廣受歡迎的 Toasted Frontega Chicken Sandwich 帶回來了!

Image via Panera
Toasted Frontega Chicken Sandwich 以煙熏雞肉絲爲主要食材,裏面還加入了融化的 mozzarella 芝士、西紅柿、紅洋蔥、新鮮羅勒,這些餡料夾在黑胡椒意式薄餅上,最後加入墨西哥辣椒醬。新鮮美味,是許多顧客的首選主食。
Panera 早前將 Toasted Frontega Chicken Sandwich 下架,引起550多位顧客的反對,他們強烈要求 Panera 把這款美味三明治回歸。如今終於一如粉絲所願,這款料理迴歸全美 Panera 菜單,參考售價爲每份$10。
The people have spoken, and Frontega is BACK. Be one of the first 500 people to Quote Tweet this tweet with #FrontegaFan and #PaneraSweepstakes and you’ll be DM’d a free Frontega Chicken Sandwich on us. Terms and conditions apply:
— Panera Bread (@panerabread) May 11, 2022
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