復活節喝點什麼好?PEPSI x PEEPS 攜手推出限量版棉花糖可樂 蠢萌又可愛
春回大地,萬物復甦,Easter 馬上到來,也正臨近華人傳統的清明節。你將以何種方式慶祝這個春天?

Courtesy of Pepsi
百事公司攜手知名棉花糖品牌 Peeps ,在復活節期間推出限量版棉花糖可樂 PEEPSI!

Courtesy of Pepsi
這款全新的限量產品結合了 Pepsi 清爽的口感和 PEEPS 的軟甜棉花糖口味,迷你罐(7.5 oz)以黃色、粉色和淺藍色三款清新炫目的顔色進行包裝,定能讓你感到春天的氣息。
We’re celebrating our #PEPSIxPEEPS collab w/ a throwback to the sweetest Pepsi spot ever! Take a photo of you & your PEEPS candy enjoying spring tagging @pepsi w/ #HangingWithMyPEEPS + #PepsiSweepstakes for a chance to win our cans.
RULES: https://t.co/VLRKt7WPPr pic.twitter.com/Hm78LHDaL6
— Pepsi (@pepsi) March 30, 2021
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